Journal of the Saudi Society for Food & Nutrition

International Peer Reviewed, Open Access Journal

ISSN(Online): 1658-8525


The manuscripts submitted for publication in SSFSN must not be submitted or published in some other journal. All papers will be critically reviewed by at least two reviewers who will be selected based on the subject matter of the paper. Acceptance of the paper will depend upon its scientific merit, novelty, and originality of the work. A paper may be accepted in its original form or accepted subject to revision. The reviewers' (and editor's) suggestions will be conveyed to the author and the author will be asked to revise their manuscript within 30 days. Upon the acceptance of paper after suggested revisions, galley proofs for an accepted article will be sent to the corresponding author for final approval. These should be returned to the respective editor within 48 hours. The paper will be immediately (subject to any required editing) published online on the Journal website once corrected galley proof will be received.
